In the aftermath of Brexit, Irish passports have become popular. Those who qualify for an Irish passport form UK have rooted out their Irish parents and grand parents to qualify.

Having an Irish passport as it makes travel and work within the EU easy. In fact with an Irish passport, one can travel, live and work throughout the EU without restrictions.

Application form for Irish passport in UK - first Irish passport

The application form for an Irish passport has largely went online.

You can click on the application for Irish passport link to find out how to get a Irish passport .

What documents do first-time applicants need?

Irish Passport

Additional documents for submission with passport application form

  • Identity verification form.
  • Full original civil birth certificate (version that includes the name(s) of the parent(s)).
  • Original Civil marriage or Civil Partnership certificate (if applying for a passport in your married name).
  • Proof of address such as government correspondence such as letter from the local government health services, local social welfare services or other local government services. If you do not have these, original utility bills, or bank statements can be considered. These must be accompanied by a translation into English or Irish
  • Proof of name such as government correspondence such as letter from the local government health services, local social welfare services or other local government services. If you do not have these, original utility bills, or bank statements can be considered. These must be accompanied by a translation into English or Irish
  • You must submit one document as proof of name and one document as proof of address. It cannot be the same document.
  • Photographic identification
  • You must submit an original government issued photographic identification. This could be an original passport from another country or a certified copy of your driver’s licence (certified by a solicitor or notary public).
  • If adopted, your adoption certificate.

Sending in your paper forms

If you are going to apply for Irish passports from UK, you will have to complete the online process, then, print out your application form for Irish passport.

Please be advised that you need to confirm your identity using the Irish passport identity verification form.

The following professions outside Ireland can do this on the application form for Irish passport in UK:

  • School principal/vice principal
  • Teacher
  • School Secretary
  • Pre-school manager
  • Montessori teacher
  • Police Officer
  • Member of clergy
  • Medical doctor
  • Lawyer
  • Bank manager or assistant bank manager
  • Credit Union Manager or Assistant Manager
  • Elected public representative
  • Notary public/ commissioner for oaths
  • Peace commissioner
  • Accountant
  • Dentist
  • Vet
  • Nurse
  • Physiotherapist
  • Speech Therapist
  • Lecturer
  • Pharmacist
  • Chartered Engineer

Potential problems with Irish passport witnesses

Irish Passport Application Witness

Make sure your passport witness knows what they are doing and are willing to be contacted by the Irish passport office.

The passport office usually do contact witnesses to verify the details of application for Irish passports in UK.

In 2022, Wayne Pocket Rocket McCullough had trouble with his "application for Irish passport form". He had his form signed by a Notary in Las Vegas.

Time difference between Eire passport office, Dublin and Vegas made it hard for passport office officials to contact the witnessing Notary.

So even Irish Olympic silver medallist and former world champion boxer's need to be careful with their passport witnesses.

Professionals who can countersign an Irish passport application in the UK must then complete section 9 of the form.

Remember, the "identity verification form Irish passport" requires the witness to provide a landline number. Mobile phone numbers are not acceptable.

If you would like a Notary to act as a witness to your Eire passport application form, then get in touch.

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